Neha Panwar

Neha Panwar

Post-doc ,
Department of Earth Sciences
IIT Roorkee

Email: npanwar[at]

Short Bio:
Neha Panwar
completed her graduation in Computer Science and post-graduation in Applied Geophysics from Kurukshetra University. She earned her Ph.D. from Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee in August 2022.

Areas of Interest:

Multiphysics and multiscale characterization of rocks with scanning techniques such as, SEM, FESEM, XRD analysis, geophysical investigations using electrical and acoustic methods and high-end special tasks such as cation exchange capacity (CEC) and spectral induced polarization (SIP) measurements.


I have experience in estimating petrophysical parameters of complex carbonate rocks using the spectral induced polarization (SIP) method, an extended version of the DC resistivity method that measures the real and imaginary parts of the conductivity. In my Ph.D., I also used complex conductivity data to estimate the pore size distribution of the carbonate rocks and validated it with mercury intrusion porosimetry. In addition, I performed bulk XRD data analysis and clay quantification of 120 volcanic powdered samples and cation exchange capacity (CEC) measurements. Moving forward, I am interested in using the SIP method for applications such as groundwater exploration, measuring hydraulic parameters like hydraulic conductivity and permeability, and performing in-situ measurements.


Instrumentation :              ZEL impedance meter, Spectrophotometer, Resistivity meter, Thermostat bath, Centrifuge

Software :                              MATLAB, COMSOL, Xpert High score, RokDoc

Languages :                           English, Hindi


2022          DST SERB Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship


2022         Revil, A., Qi, Y., Panwar, N., Gresse, M., Grandis, H., Sharma, R., . . . Chibati, N. (2022). Induced Polarization of Volcanic Rocks.6. Imaging alteration in Stratovolcanoes. Journal of volcanology and geothermal research. Doi:

2021         Panwar, N., Revil, A., Sharma, R., Schmutz, M., Duvillard, P. A., Garcia, B., . . . Jaillet, S. (2021). Induced polarization of carbonates. Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 126. doi:

2020        Revil, A., Ahmed, A. S., Coperey, A., Ravanel, L., Sharma, R., & Panwar, N. (2020). Induced polarization as a tool to characterize shallow landslides. Journal of Hydrology, 125369. doi:

2018         Revil, A., Ghorbani, A., Gailler, L. S., Gresse, M., Cluzel, N., Panwar, N., & Sharma, R. (2018). Electrical conductivity and induced polarization investigations at Kilauea volcano, Hawai’i. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 368, 31-50.doi:


2022          Panwar N., Sharma, R., Revil, A., Dhiman, A., Malik, S., Behera, S.K., 2022, Integration of SIP and MIP methods for Pore size distribution in carbonate rocks, Expanded Abstract, International Meeting for Applied Geosciences & Energy (IMAGE), Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Houston, USA. Doi:

2018          Panwar, N., and Sharma, R.; 2018; Impact of Mineralogy and Texture on Complex Conductivity Measurements in Carbonate Rocks in American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting.


2022          Sharma, R; Panwar, N; Dhiman, A;2022; “A System and Method for Estimation of Pore-Size Distribution in Carbonates Using Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP)” (patent number 202211072354) Patent published on Indian patent (IPO) website.


2022          Panwar, N., and Sharma, R., 2019 “A Review on the influence of mineralogy and diagenesis on Spectral Induced Polarization in carbonate Rocks” Petro-physics and Rock Physics of Carbonate Reservoirs. Springer Singapore, ISBN No. 978-981-13-1210-6.