- Chandra* R. and Sharma R.; 2002; Could the main Chamoli earthquake of 1999 have triggered some of the aftershocks, Journal of Himalayan Geology, Vol.23 (1&2), pp.39-43.
- Sharma*, R., Prasad, M., Batzle, M. and Vega, S.; 2013; Sensitivity of Flow and Elastic Properties to Fabric Heterogeneity in Carbonates, Geophysical Prospecting, Volume 61, Issue 2, pages 270–286
- Revil, A., Ghorbani, A., Gailler, L. S., Gresse, M., Cluzel, N., Panwar, N., and Sharma, R.; 2018; Electrical conductivity and induced polarization investigations at Kilauea volcano, Hawai’I, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 368, December 2018, pp. 31–50
- Revil, A., Razdan, M., Julien, S., Coperey, A., Mao, D., Abdulsamad, F., Ghorbani, A., Gasquet, D., Sharma, R., and Rossi, M.; 2019; Induced polarization response of porous media with metallic particles – Part 9. Influence of permafrost, GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 84, NO. 5 (SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2019); P. E337–E355.
- Revil*, A., Ahmed, A. S., Coperey, A., Ravanel, L., Sharma*, R., and Panwar*, N.; “Induced polarization as a tool to characterize shallow landslides”, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 589, July 2020, 125369.
- Sharma*, R., Malik, S. and Shettar, A. S., (2020), Sensitivity of Digital Rock Method for Pore Space Optimization to Heterogeneity in Carbonates Formations, SPE Journal (Reviews received, In revision)
- Gautam, T. and Sharma*, R., 2020; Transfer Learning to predict realistic subsurface velocity models, Computers and Geosciences (Under Review)
- Choudhary, A. and Sharma*, R., 2020; Joint Interpretation for Pay Sand Delineation and Sweet Spot Identification in Volve Field, AAPG Bulletin (Under Review)
- Bhardwaj, A., Sharma*, R., and Bisui, A., 2020; Data Driven Optimization for Constrained and Quantified Estimates of Rock Physical and Petrophyscial Properties in Carbonate Reservoirs, GEOPHYSICS (Under Review)
- Gupta, N., Bisui, A., and Sharma*, R., 2020; Effectiveness of Supervised Machine Learning Methods over DEM Techniques for Shear Wave Velocity Prediction in Reservoir Rocks, IEEE Transactions of Geosciences and Remote Sensing (Under Review)
- Saharan, K. and Sharma*, R., 2020; Effectiveness of SegNet Architecture for Automated Seismic Interpretation: A Deep Learning Approach, Computers and Geosciences (Under Review)
- Sharma* R., Prasad M., Katiyar G. C. and Surve G.; 2006; Applicability of Gassmann Model in Carbonates, Expanded Abstract, 6th International Conference on “Oil Exploration and Mitigation” by SPG India.
- Sharma* R., Prasad M., Katiyar G. C. and Surve G.; 2006; On The Applicability of Gassmann Model in Carbonates, Expanded Abstract, 76th Annual General Meeting, SEG, New Orleans, USA, RP 1.8, pp 1866 – 1870.
- Sharma* R., Prasad, M. and Batzle, M., 2009; Lab Measured Properties in Carbonates for Better Characterization of Heterogeneity, Expanded Abstract, 79th Annual General Meeting, SEG, Houston, USA, RP –, pp –.
- Gupta, N. and Sharma*, R.; 2017; Fluid Substitution in Anisotropic Carbonates – A VTI Consideration, Geophysics,74, No.1, D1–D6, Expanded Abstract, SEG Annual Convention 2017, Houston, Tx.
- Mulchandani, V. and Sharma*, R.; 2017; Sensitivity of effective pressure towards Vp and Vs using Biot’s and Effective Stress Coefficient (ESC) in carbonate reservoirs, Expanded Abstract, International Conference on Engineering Geophysics (ICEG) 2017, Dubai, UAE.
- Bhardwaj, A. S. and Sharma*, R.; 2017; Computational Methods in Petrophysics for Addressing Redundancy and Reservoir Property Estimation, Expanded Abstract, SPG Biennial International Conference, SPG, Jaipur, India.
- Sharma*, R., Malik, S., Shettar, A.S.; 2019; Optimized Workflow in Digital Rock Physics for Pore Space Estimation in Complex Carbonates, Expanded Abstract, 5th International Workshop on Rock Physics (IWRP), Hong Kong, SAR, April 2019
- Malik, S., Sharma*, R., 2019; Feasibility of Digital Rock Physics for Static and Dynamic Reservoir Property Characterization in Carbonate Reservoirs-I, Expanded Abstract (DOI: 10.30632/T60ALS-2019_QQQQ), SPWLA 60th Annual Logging Symposium, June 15-19, 2019, Woodland, TX, USA.
- Malik, S., Sharma*, R., Livo, K., Prasad, M., 2020; Digital Rock Physics for Porosity Fractionation and Flow Regime Determination in Carbonate Reservoirs, Expanded Abstract, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Annual Meeting 2020, Houston, USA.
- Sharma* R., Adam, L. and Prasad, M.; Effects of Fluid, Frequency and Heterogeneity on Elastic Properties of Carbonate Rocks, SPE 125102, ATCE 2009.
- Liu*, C (Hope)., Sharma, R. and Tutuncu, A.; 2012; Shale Gas Resources: Energy Potential and Associated Exploitation Challenges for Coupled Geomechanics and Transport Characteristics, 46th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, June 24 – 27, 2012, Chicago, Illinois, USA
- Sharma*, R., Prasad, M., Batzle, M. L. and Vega S.; 2016; Attenuation and Dispersion Analysis in Laboratory Measured Elastic Properties in the Middle East Carbonate Reservoir Rocks, AGU Annual Meeting, 12-16 December 2016, San Francisco, USA
- Sharma*, R. and Teja, V.; 2017; Textural Control on The Laboratory Measured Acoustic Velocities in Carbonate Rocks, SPWLA INDIA 4th Symposium 2017, Mumbai, India
- Malik, S., Sharma*, R., Shettar, A. S., 2019; Pore Space Estimation Using Optimized DRP Workflow in Complex Reservoirs, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019, Abstract #MR21C-0087
- Bisui, A., Sharma*, R., Sharma, K., Sarkar, S., Purohit, V., 2019; Effectiveness of Machine Learning Algorithms To Use Unconstrained Data for Lithofacies Prediction in Carbonate Reservoir, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019, Abstract # MR23B-0100